一、截稿日期:2024年8月23日(星期五)23:59 止
二、摘要字數(中、英文摘要擇一):中文摘要字數 1000 字內,英文摘要字數 600 字內
- 論文題目
- 研究動機與目的
- 研究方法
- 研究結果
- 研究貢獻及建議
- 關鍵字(3~5個)
|Submission Target|
Scholars, educators, doctoral and master’s students from all fields.
|Submission Format: Abstract|
1. Deadline: August 23, 2024 (Friday) 23:59.
2. Abstract Length (choose either Chinese or English): Chinese abstract up to 1000 words, English abstract up to 600 words
3. Abstract Content:
- Title of the paper
- Research motivation and objectives
- Research methods
- Research results
- Research contributions and suggestions
- Keywords (3-5)
|Submission Method|
After completing the author’s basic information form and abstract of the paper, upload it to the “Abstract Submission” section.
|Notification of Review Results|
Notification will be sent via email on August 30, 2024 (please check your email inbox), and simultaneously published on the website of the “Pathways to Sustainable Development: Local Practices and Interdisciplinary Collaboration” international academic conference.
|Matters to Note for Selected Papers|
1. Authors whose submissions pass the review process are required to upload presentation slides to the “Conference Presentation Upload” section by October 1, 2024 (Tuesday).
2. Sign the paper authorization form(Click to Download).
3. Copyright responsibility: The paper must not have been published in other conferences or journals. After the paper is accepted, the authors unconditionally authorize the conference to reproduce and promote the paper in paper, CD, microfilm, or other digital formats, or upload it to the conference website for participants to download.
|Contact Person|
Ms. Wu
USR Project “Making a Difference”
Phone: 08-7663800 ext. 14416